Series of webinar in Collaboration with YP Montreal, on the theme of emotional intelligence. 30/10/2021 :

  • IEEE Tunisia Section, IEEE YP Tunisia in Collaboration with IEEE YP Montreal are organizing a Webinar (Open) on the theme “Using emotional intelligence to lead and collaborate” on October 30, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. EDT (Canada time)
    We have the immense pleasure and privilege to welcome our renowned speaker Dr Slim Masmoudi, Ph.D, Scientific Research Advisor at Naif Arab. University of Security Sciences, Riadh, KSA.Thank you to the Young Professionals IEEE Montreal Section and IEEE Tunisia Young Professionals AG teams for their efforts! Nihed Ghédira Alaa ABDALLAH Tarek Loukil Kayoum Djedidi Mansour Naslcheraghi Joel Dodoo and all those who contributed to this event. Thanks For your efforts!
  • Join us via this link: collaborative initiative that we hope is the start of a lineage.

    Thank you also to our partners, The Tunisian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for their support within the framework of this event which links our two communities!