YP – Coffee Talk 2019


  • Location: Ecozone Coworking Space.
  • Date: 13 April, 2019
  • Facebook page & Photos: <Link>

We held a “Coffee Talk” event, on Saturday the 13th April at “Ecozone Coworking Space”, Sfax.
The main goal of this event is to introduce the Young Professional to attendees going through its activities, benefits and IEEE resources.

More than 25 attendees were impressed and excited to know more about being an IEEE Young Professional member and how to be it. Professionals who attended, shared their experiences and how their IEEE experience boost their careers and helps them to improve their personal skills. Non members who attended, were more curious about IEEE, how to be a member and get involved in our next activities. Student members who attended, showed motivation to stay in touch with us and to volunteer.